The team

Our team integrates experience with personal transformation and organizational innovation. We are committed to our own continual transformation as individuals and as a team and support others to navigate transitions that we have been through ourselves.

David BullĂłn

David is an alchemist that nourishes transformative action rooted in equanimity, intuition and love. He helps leaders and teams thrive by combining tools that have accelerated his own personal growth with innovation methodologies that he has used to lead innovation teams in research, corporate, not-for-profit and government settings around the world. He loves to help leaders deepen in self-understanding in ways that unleash their full transformative potential.

While he was leading the Costa Rican government's innovation policy, an existential crisis invited him to transcend patterns that were counterproductive to his team's success. Since then, specialized trainings have taught him how to support others to heal outdated psychological conditioning and cultivate conscious leadership. He has specialized in trauma-informed leadership, is certified as a ThetaHealing® practitioner, has trained as an emotional intelligence coach and has learned a variety of scientifically proven contemplative practices to get in touch with deeper layers of ourselves.

David brings his insight and transformative leadership as a co-founder to three organizations that are rooted in transformative action. Micelio is a studio-lab to discover and share principles and practices of transformative action. Awaken Your True North is a game-based character-building program for schools. Re.source is a platform to enable heart-centered entrepreneurship.

David is a fellow of the Central American Leadership Initiative, a member of the Aspen Global Leadership Network, an Alumni of the World Economic Forum Global Shaper community and holds a Masters in Development Economics from Harvard University.

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Ana Javier Quintero

Ana Javier is a dynamic catalyst for transformative change, empowering individuals and organizations to unleash their true potential. With an unwavering focus on actionable strategies, she fosters life-enhancing shifts through agile methodologies and collaborative initiatives. Ana's illustrious career spans various sectors, including NGOs, governments, corporate entities, and citizen movements, where she has established herself as a trusted advisor, enabling clients to redefine their purpose and achieve remarkable outcomes.

In 2018, Ana co-founded Micelio, an innovative venture dedicated to co-creating transformative solutions with pioneering organizations. Driven by her deep reverence for nature's wisdom and her commitment to cultivating life-supporting conditions, she embarked on a master's degree in Biomimicry at Arizona State University. Beyond academia, Ana actively collaborates with Biomimicry for Social Innovation, an influential NGO that empowers change-makers to harness nature's wisdom for positive societal impact.

Ana Javier's journey epitomizes the profound power of action and collaboration. Through her inspiring work, she ignites the potential within others, motivating them to make a difference. With her ability to navigate complexity and her unwavering passion, Ana serves as a beacon of hope and an influential force for transformation in the lives she touches.

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SimĂłn Rodriguez

Simon is a master of inner arts with a knack for intuitive experience design and a passion for education. As a Sifu of QiGong and Tai Chi Chuan in the Shaolin tradition, he supports people of all ages to get in touch with their vital energy and channel it towards leading a conscious life. As an intuitive experience designer, he designs educational experiences that make it easy for children and teenagers to learn to manage their own wellbeing and lean into transformative leadership. For more than 15 years, Simon has supported thousands of people in different countries through diverse talks, retreats, virtual programs and coaching sessions. His work has been featured in CNN en Español’s prime time and in the documentary “What if”.

Simon brings his mastery of inner arts and skill with intuitive experience design to various initiatives at the intersection of education and the awakening of consciousness. He is a resident teacher of Qi Gong and Tai Chi Chuan at La Montaña Azul, a center for wellbeing and the awakening of consciousness. He is a co-founder of Awaken Your True North, a game-based character-building program for schools, and Alaya Camp, an international program that provides tools to enhance the capacity of children and teenagers to build joy in their lives and be a source of conscious change in the world. Finally he is also a co-founder and experience designer at Micelio, a studio-lab to discover and share principles and practices of transformative action.

Simon is a fellow of the Central American Leadership Initiative, a member of the Aspen Global Leadership Network and a board member at True North School. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in environmental management from the National University of Costa Rica, is a certified Health Coach from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and has received knowledge, practices and inspiration from various teachers and masters in Asia and America.

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Chandni Sawlani

Chandni is an entrepreneur, and an intuitive advisor to visionary leaders. Her mission has always been to co-create a thriving world by supporting leaders lean deeper into embodying their loving and abundant selves. 

She is one of the co-founders of re.source, an incubator enabling entrepreneurship rooted in love and abundance, and a consultant at Micelio. She also co-founded The Goodwill Tribe, a global social initiative focussed on inspiring compassion and human connection. Prior to her entrepreneurial journey, she served on the founding team of several social startups in the UAE and India; The Sameness Project, a creative consultancy fostering a sense of shared humanity, Injoy Giving, a consulting firm designing generosity and joy based customer engagement experiences, and Rang De, a peer-to-peer lending company supporting rural entrepreneurs across India.

Chandni is a certified ThetaHealing® practitioner and is skilled with holding space for people to connect with deeper layers of who they are.

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Transformative Pioneers:

Bridging Experience and Innovation for Personal and Organizational Growth